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Belgian Open Championship 2024
Thu 15th  - Sun 18th August

The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2024 will be sailed from Thu 18th until
Sun 18th of August.


Sailing Program:
Registration: before Wednesday 14/08/2024 13h00
Craning: Wednesday 14/08/2024 10h00 - 20h00
             Thursday 15/08/2024 08h00 - 10h00
Briefing: Thursday 15/08/2024 11h00
First warning signal: Thursday 15/08/2024 12h55

                           Friday 16/08/2024 10h55

                           Saturday 17/08/2024 10h55

                           Sunday 19/08/2024 10h55


Proposed socials to sailors and partners :

Thursday 15th Pontoon drink by Belgian Dragons Association

Friday 16th Crew Dinner in RNSYC clubhouse

Saturday 17th Pontoon drink by Belgian Dragons Association

Tuesday 18th Price giving by club & Belgian Dragons Association


Belgian Open Championship 2023
Sat 12th  - Tue 15th August

The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2023 will be sailed from Sat 12th until Tuesday 15th of August.


Sailing Program: Daily first start scheduled at 11:00 (Sat at 13:00)


Proposed socials to sailors and partners :

Saturday 12th Pontoon drink by BDA followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse

Sunday 13th Pontoon drink by The Next BDA team

Monday 14th Pontoon drink by the clubhouse followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse

Tuesday 15th Price giving (Brugse Zot) by BDA

Belgian Open Championship 2022
Sat 13th  - Tue 16th August

The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2022 will be sailed from Sat 13th until Tuesday 16th of August and will be the perfect tune-up for the Gold Cup the weekend after that.


Sailing Program: Daily first start scheduled at 11:00 (Sat at 13:00)


Proposed socials to sailors and partners :

Saturday 13th Pontoon drink by Blanc de Blancs followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse

Sunday 14th Pontoon drink by Anne & Gwen (for the birth of William)

Monday 15th Pontoon drink by BDA followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse

Tuesday 16th Price giving (Brugse Zot) by BDA


Please reserve and pay for all diners at the RNSYC Clubhouse

Belgian Open Championship 2021
Thu 5th  - Sun 8th August

We had a nice Championship this year 

with a fleet of 20 BEL & NED dragons

won by the 2019 champions​

NED 438 Douzement from the Bakker family




Belgian Open Championship 2020

The Corona proof 2020 edition of the Belgian Open Championship was won by Andy Beadsworth and his TUR 1212 team.


Nice weather with light breeze, but we all enjoyed the sailing even without the socials due to the Covid19 rules this summer in Belgium.


Belgian Open Championship 2019

Beautiful championship with splendid weather and all kind of winds with a fleet of 21 dragons.  NED 422 Bakker family as Belgian Champion 2019


Belgian Open Championship 2018


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