Belgian Open Championship 2024
Thu 15th - Sun 18th August
The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2024 will be sailed from Thu 18th until
Sun 18th of August.
Sailing Program:
Registration: before Wednesday 14/08/2024 13h00
Craning: Wednesday 14/08/2024 10h00 - 20h00
Thursday 15/08/2024 08h00 - 10h00
Briefing: Thursday 15/08/2024 11h00
First warning signal: Thursday 15/08/2024 12h55
Friday 16/08/2024 10h55
Saturday 17/08/2024 10h55
Sunday 19/08/2024 10h55
Proposed socials to sailors and partners :
Thursday 15th Pontoon drink by Belgian Dragons Association
Friday 16th Crew Dinner in RNSYC clubhouse
Saturday 17th Pontoon drink by Belgian Dragons Association
Tuesday 18th Price giving by club & Belgian Dragons Association

Belgian Open Championship 2023
Sat 12th - Tue 15th August
The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2023 will be sailed from Sat 12th until Tuesday 15th of August.
Sailing Program: Daily first start scheduled at 11:00 (Sat at 13:00)
Proposed socials to sailors and partners :
Saturday 12th Pontoon drink by BDA followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse
Sunday 13th Pontoon drink by The Next BDA team
Monday 14th Pontoon drink by the clubhouse followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse
Tuesday 15th Price giving (Brugse Zot) by BDA

Belgian Open Championship 2022
Sat 13th - Tue 16th August
The Belgian Open Championship Dragon 2022 will be sailed from Sat 13th until Tuesday 16th of August and will be the perfect tune-up for the Gold Cup the weekend after that.
Sailing Program: Daily first start scheduled at 11:00 (Sat at 13:00)
Proposed socials to sailors and partners :
Saturday 13th Pontoon drink by Blanc de Blancs followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse
Sunday 14th Pontoon drink by Anne & Gwen (for the birth of William)
Monday 15th Pontoon drink by BDA followed by a Diner at the RNSYC clubhouse
Tuesday 16th Price giving (Brugse Zot) by BDA
Please reserve and pay for all diners at the RNSYC Clubhouse